Monday, 28 September 2015


Hi There,
It has been a little while since I blogged.  Nearly two months!  Not good.  As a lot of you know life can get a little crazy, a little busy and days all seem to mould into one. But now it is the school holidays again and I can sit quietly and let my thoughts run free.

So what have I been up to in the last eight or so weeks.  How about some photos?

August/September creations

I have made a few things in amongst the busyness of everyday life.  Just little quick projects as distractions from the 'never ending blanket' saga that still is taking a little while.  I think I am almost over half way in getting it all joined together though.  End of school holidays having it all joined would be great.  Oh what a challenge!! Mmmmm...we will see.

Also during the term I have been working part time as a relief teacher but since I was there most days it became full-time.  I enjoy it, pays for the yarn obsession.  Glad for the little break though as I get to hang out with my two little lovelies.  Lots of movie watching, playdates, slothing around in pj's...bliss!

Day three of the far it's been great.  I managed to spend the whole weekend in the garden.  It was pure bliss.  I didn't realise just how much I missed and enjoyed being out there.  It topped my soul up with happiness.  Now all I need to do is fill it with yummy crops for the Summer.

Now I can tick that off the list.  

Next sewing.  Another thing I have missed in the busyness is making stuff for me.  So I have found two fabrics and patterns that I want to tackle in the next two weeks. Fingers crossed I at least get the blue one made. Watch this space.

So it's almost 10am...better go have a shower.  See so slothy!

Have a great week.

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