Sunday, 17 November 2013

The Three C's

Hi There,
I am sitting at the local park while my two little lovelies scream around, playing some made up game while I sit here thinking...What makes me happy? Moments like these...Fresh air, little lovelies happily playing and the Three C's (they need capitals as they are very important, you see). The Three C's: A cuppa, chocolate and crochet. Simple really. I will go anywhere with anyone as long as these three things are included in the trip/outing.

I must explain The Three C's more thoroughly as I am very particular (let's call it slightly posh, oh ok OCDish) I like my hot cuppa to be tea, English breakfast. Next, now listen up, very important... The tea bag must brew in the hot water for a bit THEN the tea bag MUST come out BEFORE milk (trim) goes in. Then you have a delicious hot cuppa. Not too hard to remember?  Some people do think I am mad but if you a big tea drinker like me you would agree there is a certain way it should be made.  I am sure you have your own little 'tea ritual' that you go through for an exceptional cuppa?

Mmmmmm...chocolate. A good day is a day with chocolate.  The darker the better. However, I have been known to devour a whole bar of dairy milk. My ultimate favourite is Whittakers dark cacao chocolate. Oh so good! Especially with tea. Bliss!!

And to finish it all off while I slurp and scoff I like to crochet. As you know it is a little of an obsession. A lovely healthy obsession though. However, Hubby would still disagree that my obsession is getting out of hand even though he was caught snuggling under one of my crochet blankets last night.

So while the little lovelies are still happy to play I should really get on and crochet. I have slurped and some time in hooky heaven.

A teaser to what is coming...



  1. I love the photo of your crochet.. It looks very snugly! Thank you for your comment on my blog. If you would like to join the Christmas swap this year, I have someone else who would like to swap too... She is in Canada. Would you be interested? Please let me know and I can sort it out for you both :)
    Marianne xx

    1. Hi Marianne. I have replied on your blog about swap. It should be great fun. I feel a blog post about it coming on. It is going to be a neat experience. Thanks for letting me join.

  2. Hi Lisa You know what, those are my three ABSOLUTE favourite things as well, and I totally agree with you about their needing capitals because they are so important !
    Enjoy your crocheting ,
    Kate x

    1. Thanks for writing a comment Kate. I am loving my crocheting at the moment. I just wish sometimes there were more hours in the day to sit and do it. Oh well, that's life. Take what you can get.

  3. ok ... full stop! English Breakfast tea (Twinings) is what I drink all the time! And we make tea exactly the same ... thank goodness you understand! My tea must be "hotter than the sun", so only a bit of milk. I'm so glad you're my swap partner ;) I don't even think we have to explain about the chocolate ... obviously we're on the same wavelength there too ;) I've been enjoying your blog very much Lisa! And am now you're new follower. Wendy x

  4. Hi Wendy,
    Thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for being a new follower. This blogging business is such fun. I am meeting some awesome people from all over the world, LOVE IT!
    You sound like my kind of friend. Tea and chocolate at your place? Tee Hee. No quilting though. I am appalling at it!
