Sunday, 13 October 2013

Lazy Sunday

Hi There,

Well the day started out lazy enough with a wee little lie in while the little lovelies watched Sunday morning cartoons.  Bliss!  

But once up, it was full steam ahead.

Washing on and scrambled eggs on toast and pancakes for breakfast (a Sunday tradition here in the cupboard).

Once eating was all done, Little Assistant decided it was time to do some Sunday baking (another tradition) ready for school tomorrow.  On the menu, afghans and Anzac biscuits.  Yummy!  More eating!

Then I decided the day was too nice to sit inside so off I went outside and pulled out a few cabbage trees.  What a job!  My two little lovelies were so eager to help (now that they have their own gardening gloves) I got them to cart bits of cabbage tree to the garden bin.  They were fantastic helpers too.  After the trees were out we had to relocate hundreds of peebles.  THIS TOOK AGES!  Now I am left with this...

Oh what shall I plant here?  The little lovelies have decided "it will be a vege patch mum with an apple tree, pear tree, lettuce, tomatoes, green stuff...OH and some delicious watermelon."  Right! Me thinks that might be a tad too much in a very small space but I do love their enthusiasm.  We will see.

And as always when I am out in the garden I then start to see other things that need to be done. Weeding, trimming of passionfruit vine that has seen better days, digging...etc.  Hours of fun.  While I was trimming (more like pulling out with force) the passionfruit vine I spotted this...

For the past two years this grape vine has done NOTHING! But today it surprised me with what I am hoping is the beginning of grapes.  Please, please, please let it be scrummy purple grapes.  I will keep you posted on its progress.  So exciting!

By mid afternoon it was time to call it quits on the garden and head in for a much earned cuppa and maybe some crocheting.

As usual (again) I got distracted and decided to write this post.  So little has been done on this new project I better finish off here and get crocheting.  Christmas will be here and they won't be done.  More on what I am up to here in the cupboard later. I have a few things to share...  I can't wait!



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