Hi There,
Happy Happy New Year Everyone.
Again it has been far too long since I have been here and frankly I am a little sick of it. I have over the past four months made some great things and have yet to share. So one of my many new years resolutions is to blog what I have been up to at least once every two weeks. I'm thinking that is doable and it may make me get into a better routine.
Speaking of routine and getting more organised I am on the look out for a good weekly planner. It must have a 'to do' box so I can write my many cleaning, gardening and crafty jobs I would like to get done in the day/week and it also needs a box for my meal plans. This is another area I need to get under control again as I had let it slip in 2015 and the meals tend to be rather rushed and boring.
So that is the plan. Resolution number 1.
I am a little late starting all of this... I realise...17 days late in fact. Others I see are well on their way to being organised but over Christmas/New Year period here in NZ it is the summer holidays and we went off on a little family adventure. So no time to think about the coming year until now.
Resolution number 2...To finish the many crafty things I started at the end of last year. One especially 'the never ending blanket'. It is so close to being finished I just got a little too hot underneath it during summer. So I'm just waiting for a cooler day then it will be all finished and ready for it's TA-DAH moment. Can't wait. Also I have another very cool and quick blanket I made last year, very spur of the moment that needs to be shared also. Oh I can't wait. So much yumminess to share. I also want to finish a few christmas decorations for this year ready to be handed out when the time comes. Early I know. But I am trying to be organised remember.
Resolution number 3...To finish or more like start to paint some interior walls. This has been on my to do list for years. Every year I clean the walls, get them ready then I get busy and they get forgotten. So this is the year. The shoebox we live in is 16 years old now so it needs a little freshening up. My fingers are crossed also for a new lounge suite. This has been on my wish list for awhile. I wonder when hubby asks what I want for my birthday a lounge suite wouldn't be too much of a stretch? I will test it out soon.
So not a lot to achieve in the year then...
Until next time...hopefully tomorrow...
Take care,