Saturday, 30 May 2015

Long Weekend Goodies

Hi There,
Here in NZ it is Queen's Birthday LONG WEEKEND!!  Thank you Queenie.
Every year we celebrate Oldest Littlie's birthday.  This year it is Number 11!  Mind boggling really to think how fast he is growing up, still he is and always will be my little baby.  He would probably cringe to hear me talk like this.

While I am on a tangent reminiscing about the past 11 years I thought I'd take a wander back and show you some of the cakes I have made for him.  His first birthday cake was appalling.  All held together with toothpicks and very bad buttercream icing.  However he was none the wiser.

As the years have progressed and after a few cake decorating classes, I have improved.  

3rd Birthday train

7th Birthday 10 pin bowling

8th Birthday racing car designed by OL

5th Birthday Lightning McQueen

I actually enjoy designing and creating the cakes.  The littlies tell me what they want and I make it.  It is a great chance to get creative.  

This years cake is a Lego cake.   Last minute change from a Minecraft cake. Better go and create something...

Take care,

P.S...This wasn't the post I was expecting to write.  I was going to show some crochet goodies (hence the post title) that I have been creating.  Funny how things come about...Tomorrow it will be all about the crochet.  Promise!

Monday, 25 May 2015

Anzac Day 2015

Hi There,
Delayed news that happened a month ago.  It has taken me this long to sit down and start writing about my poppy adventure.
As you know (if you visit here regularly) I have been on a poppy crusade for the past two years and come Anzac Day this year I saw it all come together and it was AMAZING!

Like all ideas they start small, as a flicker.  Then you ponder, talk to others and then the idea grows and evolves.  Then more people join the conversation, add their thoughts and then it explodes into something truly special and great.

This is what happened with the 5000 Poppies NZ idea.  I found the idea from two ladies in Australia and started it here in NZ.  It was a very small idea, one which I thought would never grow.  I thought I would be on my own trying to make this work.  I thought if I was lucky I would get to 5,000 poppies and have a little display for Anzac Day.

What I got in the end was 32,000 poppies, 27 panels, many many dedications and met some wonderful people.  I made a new friend too, which was a lovely blessing.

This whole experience has been very humbling.  I underestimated just how much this project would mean to so many people and how many stories we all had to share. Even though some days were tough with organising, counting and collating poppies I am glad I took the time to co-ordinate it and make the project come alive.  So very worth it when you see oodles of people taking photos and touching it and exclaiming just how special it is.  



All those young men who fought and lost their lives will be remembered forever in this wonderful tribute that I have been a part of.

We will never forget.
