Sunday, 28 December 2014


Hi There,
Quick post today.
I just had to share what a beautiful day in NZ looks like.

21 degrees - perfect for a swim

Local beach in full Summer swing

Pohutukawa Tree in full bloom


Friday, 26 December 2014

Summer Holiday

Hi There,
Yay!  The Summer Holidays have begun!  We have six weeks of blissful rest and relaxation ahead of us.  It is quite a nice feeling not having anything planned.

Summer Holidays = afternoon nap

* * * * * M E R R Y  * * *  C H R I S T M A S * * * * *

Rudy the Reindeer and Holly Da Christmas - besties
Rudy the Reindeer arrived hot off the
hook on Christmas Eve

Today is Boxing Day here but the rest of the World will be celebrating Christmas Day as I write this... so Merry Christmas to you all who pop in here for a little read.  I hope your day has been a lovely one spent with people who you love and care about and lots of bubbles (Kiwi for Sparkling wine).

Our Christmas Day was spent with family at the cousins house.  It was so relaxed!  It was especially nice to come home to a clean house after and blob on couch.  Little People were very happy with their haul of gifts and have been knee deep exploring and playing with all that they got.  A real hit was the kinetic sand.  It is unusual stuff. Very hard to describe, it is like sand but it moves and moulds as you create. Very therapeutic!

Angels made by the Littlest Lovely and friend

Today has been a productive one.  Starting with a bike ride that nearly killed me!  I haven't been on the bike for MONTHS.  It was nice to get out there again and try and get some fitness back.  After the ride I got into the neglected garden and gave it a massive tidy.  It looks so pretty again.

After this I am off to finish a two year WIP!  Well I am going to try.  An early New Years Resolution to finish the never ending blanket.  So off I go...

WHAT!!! Lime green!? That is not right

Take care,

Tuesday, 9 December 2014


Hi There,
Life here in the craft cupboard has been a hectic one, which I see after reading back over a few posts is the story of my life really.  As much as I try to sit down and blog about all the great stuff I have made lately, everything else just gets in the way.

Something I want to make over the Summer Break
I thought December this year would be a slow amble to the end then start the Summer Holidays with the Little Lovelies with more slow ambling until Christmas.But alas this year like all the others it is FAST FULL STEAM AHEAD!  The main thing that has changed here is that I am full time working till the end of term which is great as it gives us extra funds for the super fun holiday we are about to have (in a few weeks).  But it does make for one very tired Mum.  Oh and a very disorganised house!  How do full time working Mums out there do it?  Keeping the house ticking over, dinners, lunches, cleaning, washing, working, after school or weekend sport...!!  I admire those women who have it all in order...Do they exist?   Maybe they have house cleaners.  Oh one of those would be nice even when I am not working then I could hide in my little craft cupboard and create!  Dreams are free.


Must dash now and put a load of washing on and make a yummy dinner - 'TACO TUESDAY'!  See we Mum's never stop!

Take care,